I was working on my PHP Tutorial and I was working on file management functions in PHP. PHP has a function called rmdir() that will remove an empty directory for you but it can not delete a non-empty folder. I was board so I just wrote this and tested it on my server It will recursively go into each sub-directory delete all the files and folders hope it is helpful to you:
/* Sudo Code for the function
if there isn’t any dirname mentioned or the name is not a directory {just end the script
} otherwise{
get all the files and folders in the directory
moves into the directory
for each file and folder do this check{
as long as it is not . and .. (the standard folders) then do this:{
if it is a folder{
call this function to delete it
delete the file
we moved into this folder before so now we move back up one level
delete the folder
function remove_dir($name){
if($name==”” or !file_exists($name)){
echo “I need something to delete!<br />”;
}//—————end of if
foreach($ars as $ar){
if($ar!=”.” and $ar!=”..”){
echo “found directory $ar <br />”;
echo “found a file $ar <br />”;
}//——————–end of if
}//——————-end of if
}//—————-end of foreach
}//—————end of function
remove_dir(Directory name here);// put any directory name here and it will delete it for you
Tell me how to improve it or if you have any recommendations for this code
Sorry about that, It’s fix now
let me know what you think.